The Farmers' Brand Sdn. Bhd. Postcard Collections
by SuChong Chee on January 31, 2012
This naughty Orang Utan postcard named as Romeo of Borneo from Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre, Sandakan is published by The Farmers' Brand Sdn. Bhd. All photos of wildlife postcard from the collections of The Farmers' Brand Sdn. Bhd. was taken by S.C.Chee, a local photographer from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Postcard for Man of the Forest - The Endangered Orang Utan
Published by The Farmers' Brand Sdn. Bhd.
Photo by: S.C.Chee
The Farmers' Brand Sdn. Bhd. published wide range of Borneo's Wildlife postcards especially Orang Utan. This Red Ape from Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre was learning it skill of climbing and hanging in the forest canopy. Photo taken by: S. C. Chee
Bornean Orang Utan, Pongo Pygmeaus is an official Mascot of Sabah. This postcard show the little wildman posing for photo shooting with Malaysia national flower, the hibiscus on his ear. Photo by: S. C. Chee
Matured Male Orang Utan at Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary.
More postcard collections at our store, check this out at
Introducing Bornean's double faces Rubber Key chain
by SuChong Chee on December 15, 2011
Introducing our double faces or 2 faces rubber keychain from Land Below the Wind! Our exclusive keychain are made from high quality rubber with different artworks molded on its special shape. Check this out! This range of products come with different pieces of artwork on each side. A very unique piece of gift to hang on your backpack, luggage zipper, or as a normal key chain.
The size of this product is approximately 3 inches x 3 inches
Bookmark of Pitcher Plant, Nepenthes Villosa
by SuChong Chee on December 09, 2011
epenthes Villosa or Villose Pitcher-Plant, an endemic pitcher plant to Mt. Kinabalu of Sabah Malaysia Borneo is only found at higher altitudes at elevations of over 10,000 feets above sea level. If you wish to see this pitcher plant in nature, it always can be seen along the way of Mt. Kinabalu's summit trail at around 3,200m.
This little bookmark was imprint with the pitcher plant with its name and mt. kinabalu nicely written on it.
Collections of Bookmark from Land Below the Wind!
by SuChong Chee on December 08, 2011
We design and produce special pvc bookmark imprint with Borneo Scenery, Borneo Wildlife, Borneo Underwater creatures, Borneo Birds, Borneo Floral and etc.... All designs and photos are uniquely created and designed by local artist.
Check it out for our uniquely design bookmarks for Bornean Orang Utan (pongo pygmaeus), Proboscis Monkey (nasalis larvatus), Bornean Pygmy Elephant, and other primates. Places of interest such as Mt. Kinabalu, Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre, Sipadan Island, Danum Valley, Klias Wetland.... and many more.....
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